Valencia CF30 September 2023

Baraja: “I’m focused on tomorrow’s game against Real Betis”

The coach talks ahead of Valencia CF’s game against Real Betis

Valencia CF coach Rubén Baraja talked to the media before the LaLiga Matchday 8 game with Real Betis at the Benito Villamarín.

Players out

There are some who are yet to be evaluated to see if they can be in the game or not, and others will not be there because they have been diagnosed and we already know what injury they are suffering from. Foulquier and Canós are out. Gayà is out. Amallah is suspended. Jesús Vázquez is out and Alberto Marí too. With Thierry Correia we have doubts and we will see tomorrow. We have more absences than usual and in specific positions which are the two fullbacks.

The affect of various absences

This is something that can happen to any team. I think Betis have five or six players out, and this is something that is common in football. Every team has players injured or suspended. When you have a smaller squad you can feel the absences more. We appreciate that this could happen and we accept it as part of the competition. It serves as an incentive for us to look at players in other positions, to see their commitment, and we will be able to see players who have not had as many opportunities. The setting will be perfect, which is the Benito Villamarín, with 55,000 fans, a great atmosphere and great opponents. You can't be thinking about whether anybody is there or not. You have to face the game with the mentality of having a good game and trying to win.

The Negreira case

I do not have direct information to be able assess the situation in a conclusive way. It is a case that must be clarified for the good of Spanish football. We all deserve a reasonable explanation of what happened and I imagine that they are looking for that. We have to trust that they will find out what happened, and how. We all deserve an explanation.

Rotations in the team

We will try to refresh the team, because we come into this one off two very demanding games. The last game saw us down to 10 men throughout the second half, with a huge effort to try to equalise. We will look for freshness in some positions, as Betis will do as well. They also played two days ago and will have to move things around. Everyone will bring in players who are prepared. We will try to have a good game. We will look for solutions with the alternatives we have and try to use our options to do as best as possible, get things right and be competitive.


A potential change of formation

We evaluate everything. We are continually thinking about how to approach the games. We have not had specific time to try new things and the idea is to continue in the same way and chip away at what has given us results. That has been the team competing and insisting on the same idea.

Focusing on the immediate future

We have two games before the next international break. I am not even thinking about Mallorca. I’m focused on this important game, we are playing away from home and we really need to find out what our level is away from home. We have won, we have drawn and we have lost on the road. This will tip the balance and I expect a good response from the team regarding what we want to be. I expect a great Betis side, a great venue and great difficulty -like in all games.



We are a team that up to now have tried to be brave, keeping a high line away from our goal, pressing and being intense to be able to steal the ball in high areas. This is our way of thinking and we will try to bring it to this match as well. Logically, in a match there are many moments and you have to be able to manage the different situations. Sometimes, you will have to defend further back because the opposing team take you there, or because you want to have space bringing the ball out after a turnover. Beyond the results, we are seeing that the team have an identity and know how to approach the games, and the intensity at which they should play them, with some exceptions like in Vitoria, which is the game that I liked the least. We are competing well and we think it can bring us closer to the goal of having a good game tomorrow and earning points. At the moment, scoring points in the Primera División is difficult.

Real Betis

Betis perform at a very high level. They have been at a high level for two or three seasons, playing in Europe, with their fans very much behind the team. They have a solid project and are a very dangerous team. They are a team that on a good day can take you apart. We have to try to ensure that they do not have that good day, that they are not comfortable and look for ways to do damage when we have chances and can score.

Yarek and Diego Moreno

We have several possibilities for that position. We will decide everything tomorrow, which will be almost a whole day away. Tomorrow morning we will decide things before the trip, always thinking about the objective of being competitive and that any player called up is prepared to contribute and give their best.

Javi Guerra’s call-up for Spain

Regarding Javi Guerra, I will only say that tomorrow we play against Betis. I try not to let it affect him.

Alberto Marí

He’s ok. He feels pretty good. His progress has been very positive in terms of strength, which is the most important thing with an injury of this type. The feeling is good and that will make his process go along the lines we were looking for, and sooner rather than later he will be back with us again, participating and contributing. For now, it seems that the timeframe is going well. There are neither delays nor rapid progress. We are on the right track.

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